Rabu, 20 Agustus 2014


§What is Discussion text?
It is a process in finding the solution
between two different thoughts, views or
§What is the the purpose of discussion text?
It is used to present different opinions on a
particular issue or topic e.g. arguments for
And against/positive and negative/good and

It contains the issue or problem discussed
§Supporting Points
It provides opinion that supports the issue
§Contrasting Points
It provides the opinion that contrasts the issue
§Conclusion or recomendation
It gives conclusion or recommendation for the issue discussed

Language Features
§Using simple present tense
§Using modal
§Using additive, contrastive, casual connection, such as however, furthermore, similarly, on the other hand,etc.
§Complex sentences

Example of Disussion texts

            Fast food (also known as junk food) is the term for a kind of food that people eat from a restaurant where food is prepared and served quickly. There is many kinds of fast food that we can find it easily such as hamburger, French fries, instant noodle, etc. Fast food is nowadays become a popular food because it’s quick, convenient, and inexpensive. We can get fast food everywhere in 24 hour restaurant or probably in common store.
           What can make fast food has a cheap price? It because fast food made of cheap ingredients such as high fat meat, refined grains, and added sugar and fats. People who has a lot of works and very busy usually eat fast food to fulfill their necessity about food without thinking further about the nutrition. They just fill their body up with such kind of fast foods.
           In spite of its controversial issues, there is still many peoples who consume fast food. They think that fast food is more practical for their busy life. They also can find this kind of food everywhere. It is much easier to prepare fast food or order it from a fast food restaurant than to prepare and cook food because fast food is more fast and simple. We can also get this kind of food with a cheap price. Besides that, people also thinks that fast food has a good taste.
          However, fast food has a negative effect if consumed over. Many people belive that fast food can make a lack of nutrition need by our body. It is also unhealthy because most of fast food always contains dangerous additive substrate that can disturb our health. The additive substrate such as MSG (monosodium glutamate) has known can effect serious illness like cancer and so on. Fast food also considered to be junk food. No food is good for you if you don't balance out your diet and eat a variety of food. Fast food also increases cholesterol and should be avoided if you suffer with high blood pressure of cholesterol problems.
         As a result of this pro and cons about fast food, the people should care about what they consume. Even if they consume junk food, they must know how much the save standardization to consume fast food and also balance it with eating healthy food so that the negative effect of fast food can be minimalized. But it’s wisely to choose consuming healthy food than fast food.

Example II

             Zoos were originally set up so that people could see and learn about wild animals from distant lands. As more and more people became city-dwellers, never seeing animals in the wild, zoos began to house local creatures too. However, in today’s world, are zoos really necessary?
          Since people can now see any sort of wild animal in its natural habitat, simply by tuning into a TV programme or buying a video, some animal rights activists claim that zoos are out of date. They argue that it is cruel to capture animals, transport them long distances, and then keep them caged up simply for the entertainment of human beings. Captive animals often develop ‘zoochosis’ – abnormal behaviour like rocking or swaying – which indicates they are bored and unhappy in their prison-like conditions.
                 On the other hand, there is a huge difference between watching an animal on screen and seeing it in real life. It could be argued that visiting a zoo is educational, often increasing people’s concern for wildlife and conservation, which is of great importance in today's developing – and often overdeveloped – world. Indeed, sometimes the only way to save an endangered species may be to arrange for it to be breed in captivity.
               Behind the scenes, zoos also provide scientists with opportunities to research into animal behaviour: modern zoos can therefore be much better planned than old-fashioned ones, providing animals with carefully designed enclosures appropriate to their needs.It seems then, that there are still arguments for retaining zoos. These should, however, be carefully planned with the animals’ welfare in mind: in the modern world, there is no excuse for keeping animals in cramped or cruel conditions.


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